Please contact me to discuss hosting an in-house Live2Lead Rebroadcast. Live2Lead is a half-day, leader development experience.  The theme this year is LeaderShift.  These subject-matter experts each talk about how they have seen and responded to swift and complex market changes, staying ahead of developing trends, giving us insight to the actual actions they have taken. This event is designed to equip attendees with new perspectives, practical tools, and key takeaways.  The speakers are John C. Maxwell, Tyler Perry, Carly Fiorina, Daniel Pink and Debra Searle. The corporate world is changing at an accelerating rate.  The only way to maintain an effective leadership style that your team will respond to and follow is constantly assessing what is changing and then adjust your leadership to meet the new needs.  Share this experience with your team and Shift your Leadership to the next level!!!

Learn more about the event

As an Executive Director with the John Maxwell team. I use materials previously available only to a handful of John Maxwell corporate trainers. Please contact me and we can discuss your company’s needs, as well as your own. I’d love to work with your company using this amazing new material, that takes a deeper dive into the leadership development, sales, and teams. Contact me today and let’s discuss what your goals are and how your organization can move forward.


Coaching is a sacred space where you can find transformation, self-awareness, and clarity of vision.  Coaching will give you a jump-start to self-awareness, which enables you to make clear, definitive decisions based on your own personal values, strengths and life experiences.  It will change the lens through which you view yourself, life at home and work, and those you love.  Coaching has not only transformed my life, but I see it in each of my clients as they see themselves and their future much more clearly.

Working with executives and teams greatly increases understanding of one another, therefore the ability to work with one another is enhanced, as is employee engagement.  Workshops, The Leadership Game and Communication Game, working with the new Maxwell Method of DISC for individuals and teams, and coaching all have a place in filling whatever gaps your company is experiencing.  Let’s talk about what you see your needs are, and I’ll design a package especially for you and your teams and managers.

Panel 1

Coaching Transforms

Coaching is always seen through the lens of establishing what the clients needs, their goals, and their desired legacy. This focus is created by the client, I then guide them through their own personal journey. Whether that means finding their personal values, or their next career move using their Strengths.

My clients often are amazed by the realization that they saw only a reflection of who they really are, how much more clearly they see themselves and others as they continually grow and learn during their coaching. They feel so much fulfillment, direction and purpose as they progress. Their actions confirm that they are transformed.

My personal journey, training and expertise have led me to know that coaching helped me overcome many of my barriers, gain self and situational awareness, which allowed me to move forward in bold, life changing steps. It led me to my specialization in Leadership, Team, and Personal needs. This is what I offer my clients. If you would like to learn more about me and my personal journey into adding value through coaching see About Me.

Panel 2

Coaching Expertise

My coaching is focused on three main areas of transformation: professional, personal, and specialized coaching based on my training and the experience gained on my personal journey.

Professional – Leadership and Team

Leaders and leadership teams must always be learning, not just about their work, but about themselves. They need to be able to see needed change from a Strategic viewpoint, and then paint the vision for their team repeatedly.  When working with leaders and their teams I use many of the tools I have access to as an Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team. These include working with teams using the new Maxwell Method of DISC, Workshops, Mastermind Groups and the Leadership Game and Communication Game. I also use CliftonStrengths (Gallup) assessment and Strengths Strategy Inc. tools. We find the ‘why’ behind the joys and frustrations of their work. Understanding one’s own strengths enables growth on a personal and professional level.

Transparency, understanding, and a no-judgement zone are essential to a strong team of leaders. Team building focuses on sharing and understanding each other’s strengths, creating transparency, and interdependence. Increasing a team’s synchronicity and engagement can be done in many ways. I listen to you, where you see the gaps that need to be filled, the direction you want your team to go and then I will create a custom package for you that will get your team and managers moving deeper into your vision. 

Personal – Values

Personal coaching is rooted in finding your personal values and strengths. I work with you to identify your personal goals, and how to achieve them using their values and strengths.  Knowing your own personal values opens up a path to a more purposeful life, with a clearer view of self which changes the way we make decisions, and see the world and ourselves. I have seen values awareness lead to self awareness which is transformational and leads to goal setting that is in sync with who you are.  Goals which are set in this context are much more attainable and fulfilling.  This is a life-changing process.

I use my training from CTI as the base of my personal coaching, and often pair strengths based coaching and values coaching for those looking to make changes, transitions, in both their personal and professional life.


Life sends us each down an interesting, often winding path, yet our personal path enables us to pass our experience onto others. My path has given me experience and specialties in working with corporations and smaller companies, those in transition, marriage and divorce, and with parents of disabled or complex children. Having 2 sons who are millennials has given me insight, and the opportunity to coach many.  My specialized coaching allows me to share my experience, sometimes in a coaching and mentoring blend.

  • I have been through many transition periods in my life, and know the negatives and positives that come with each forward movement. I coach through the ups and downs of a transition, while always helping my clients honor and understand themselves.
  • I work with couples to create a marriage alliance, which is a way of creating a formal partnership and increasing communication for any stage of a committed relationship.
  • As a parent of a child with Asperger’s syndrome, I also know that parents need specialized tools and understanding that can be offered through coaching to not only help their child, but to help their family as a whole.
  • Having young adult children now has uniquely informed my work with millennials.  They are ready and eager to know themselves and make the changes that lead to forward movement, quickly.
  • I’ve been through divorce after a long marriage, and a wonderful remarriage.  The blending of lives and families is a unique task, and when I work with individuals or couples confronting these situations I walk with them into their uncharted territory.
  • I taught in the Women’s Ministry of my large church for 18 years, so am uniquely experienced as I lead the Maxwell Method of Speaking Club.  Fear of public speaking is listed as either 1 or 2, right up there with fear of death!
  • My decade long role as one of the top Mortgage Bankers in the country informs and gives context as I work with Leaders, Managers and Team members.  To have a job one loves going to every day is basic to self-fulfillment and engagement. I’ve experienced this, and now have the tools to help others ‘hit the high note’ in their career.

Panel 3 Placeholder
Panel 4 Placeholder